Breaking Through
Module I
Go Outside Your Mind
Module II
Module III
Options: (1) Modules comprising 3 consecutive (or mix and match) days at 3 hours per module, including Nature and Forest Sensory Immersion (forest bathing); (2) Two day one night retreats that include: all three modules within the retreat timeframe; extended Nature and Forest Sensory Immersion time; lunch, dinner, and fire pit the first day; breakfast, lunch, and snack the second day. Contact us to schedule your option.
Meet Your Director

I want to tell you just a bit about why I started Nature’s Healing Embrace. As a child, I didn’t understand why I sat under cedars taming wild cats, wandered mountainsides, snuggled among branches of cotton woods, or played in and drank muddy creek water. As a young teen, I ran with antelope, walked miles and miles through sagebrush, and touched the moon as it slowly crept atop a butte where I stood in the dark alone…always alone. It wasn’t until more recently when I read Richard Louve’s, Last Child in the Woods, that I understood I was one of those “most vulnerable children” that nature protected, healed, and embraced.
My story is not one of sadness, but of gratitude. Nature was my escape, refuge, and (most importantly) imagination-filled, wonder-full playground. Connecting with nature’s spirit taught me to connect with my own.
Mine, like everyone’s, is an ongoing journey of learning. My hope is to introduce those whose heart song calls them to nature’s healing path. My belief is that within nature are the best schools, the best health programs, the best relationship healing methods, and the best self-help modalities available.
Scientific evidence overwhelmingly supports those ideas, and in my experience as a Nature and Forest Therapy Guide, the proof is clearly in the pudding (results). I am thrilled to share something that for centuries was understood as THE way to learn, connect, and heal. I am so excited to meet you!