In Person

Slow down with me, and figure out just what it is that is causing your anxiety, fear, trauma, or anything else that might be ailing you.

Whether it be the desert, the beach, the frozen tundra, or the solitude of the forest, I will come to you.

Call me today, and let me guide you to the other side of pain

On Demand

If you are unable to attend in-person, why not join me through Zoom!

I will still guide you through any ailments you might have, except in this service you will not need to be present.

Recommended for those that want the experience without having to travel.


Would you like to be able to access the more than human world when ever is convenient for you? Are you going through trials that will need continuous guidance?

Join the ever growing community of Nature Heals subscribers!

With this service you will be able to watch pre-recorded guides in pre-determined locales all from the comfort of your home.

corporate retreats

Does your team need rejuvenation? Is your company having issues with productivity and inward thinking?

We all have been there. Let Nature’s Healing Embrace take you on a weekend journey to rediscovering what is missing from your business.

Schedule a company excursion today!

personal training

Not everything has to be slow and steady. In fact this service is all about getting things moving.

Let me guide you through becoming healthy and active again through Nature’s Health Embrace – strengthening your resolve to become the inner wild you are, and building the person you are truly meant to be.

addiction recovery

The process of becoming free of any addiction is a long and painful one, but it doesn’t have to be…

Through my years of research, and through personal experience I have found that addiction can be much easier with the help of NFT.

This service combines several modalities along with different technologies, so that you truly can become… FREE!