I used to think I had to chase heaven. Like the elusive mechanical rabbit chased by trained greyhound, the promised reward seemingly fell into non-existence, leaving me gravely disappointed and wondering the purpose in “heaven training”. Is it control, simply a bribe for “good” behavior? A threat thwarting “bad” behavior? A dream? A nightmare? Heaven, […]
A few weeks ago Jennifer Anderson and I co-guided for a group of young folks, all of whom are experiencing deep grief from the passing (I prefer the word transition) of one or both parents or another close loved one. What I noticed: coping mechanisms of suppressing pain, fear of feeling, the desire to run, […]
Birds are one of natures most fascinating personalities. Their songs, curiosity, actions bring peace, laughter, gentleness, and learning. I have had the privilege of being in the presence of birds that have come right down to me to introduce themselves as tears rolled down my cheeks. Within minutes, the tears dried and my spirit felt […]
Late spring brought a chill in the morning and warm skies in the afternoon. It was another fantastic experience to watch adults reconnect with their inner child, to play, be curious, trust, and heal.
M. Amos Clifford, author of this book, is one of my heroes. He committed his life to bringing the modality of Nature and Forest Therapy into the forefront of health modalities and he is an incredible human being. This is another MUST read. It teaches Forest Bathing.
My new mantra is We not Me. I have found in nature that I am never alone and that has taught me to connect even more with my tribe.
This book gives the science behind what our brain does on Nature and it is a wonder.
This book is for those who want a truly difficult challenge. It is also a wonderful source from which to learn about indigenous populations and how they learned from nature in BIG ways, ways that can help today’s populations as well.
This is another great book that gives the science behind trees and the communication skills, nurturing skills, and other secrets most humans do not take time to notice.
Go Home to Your Heart I lay on the bed where my mama used to lay, listening to music my mama used to play. Crying out pain that’s tearing me apart. Hearing her words, “Babe, go home to your heart.” Walk into the woods. Lie down by the stream. Look up at cotton candy clouds, […]