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I am a Nature and Forest Therapy Guide and I wanted to explain why I chose to follow this path. First, I learned nature’s healing power very early. There was a great deal of trauma for me growing up. I understood even then that nature saved my life. Second, I learned (and remember what I […]
This book takes time to digest the words and I don’t use that word, digest, lightly. I learned how little I knew (and I thought I knew a lot) about how to truly connect with nature. The author takes us on a journey from sensory, to sensual, to reciprocal and when that understanding comes, life […]
Must read to understand the negative effects of children NOT playing in nature such as ADD, ADHD, PTSD, depression, and MUCH more.
Be still, listen, breathe, feel, see with eyes and heart, soak in the gifts of Nature’s wisdom and healing.
Breath stood frozen in mid-air, and—still—they came. Sunset marked the end of day, and—still–they came. Blankets bundled over coats and gloves, teeth chattered, bones ached, muscles tensed and shivered, and—still—they came. In the darkness: vision became sound, touch, smell, taste, intuition, instinct; and arm-in-arm, hand-in-hand, they walked. Lungs filled with the breath of trees, minds […]
When my skin is no longer soft and supple, but textured and my body unadorned by gold, red, green, yellow; my countenance gray and chilled, will you (as I do you) still accept and love me as I am standing stark, bare, naked before you?
Love ROCKS! In the middle of nowhere U.S.A., in a dry gulch, love finds a way. In a sagebrush on a cliff overlooking the dark abyss, love finds a way. LOVE Rocks!
I went into the storm. Rain embraced me. Wind dried me. Sunlight warmed me. Moonlight comforted me. Stars waltzed with me. Darkness held me. Birds harmonized with me. Hawks watched over me. There is always…always…an embrace waiting without judgment in total acceptance from Mother Earth, Father Sky, Spirit Tree, Family Nature.